Birth Doula Package
Lil' Mumma Care- Deluxe package
Free no obligation consultation (in home)
2 x Antenatal catch up, this includes;
~ Birth preference planning
~ Labour Techniques
~ Lil' Mumma Care welcome pack- the pregnancy, birth and beyond information guide
Unlimited text support throughout pregnancy
Photo Gallery of your birth
On call for birth from 38 weeks (back up Doula available)
2 x Postpartum catch ups, this could include;
~ Birth debrief
~ Foot spa massage with healing herbs and oils
~ Basic cleaning
~ Holding bub whilst you take that needed shower/nap
~ Basic household chores
Meal train set up between family,friends & the Lil' Mumma Care community
Also includes - 2 x family meals and breastfeeding snacks from me.
Additional services/ hires included:
Hire of the Birth Sling
Hire of the Birth Tens Machine
30% off Lil' Mumma Care Mother Blessing
20% off the Lil' Mumma Care: Hypnobirthing Class
Yoni steam