Counter pressure is a technique used during labor to help manage pain and discomfort. It involves applying pressure to specific areas of a woman's body to provide relief. As a Sunshine Coast birth doula I found myself with floppy, sore arms coming out of each birth I support because coutner pressure feels absolutely amazing for each birthing woman. So, how does counter pressure help during birth?
Here are a few common methods:
Lower Back Pressure: This is often used during contractions. A partner or a support person can apply firm pressure to the lower back, which may help alleviate some of the discomfort associated with contractions.
Perineal Counter Pressure: This involves applying pressure to the perineum, the area between the vagina and the anus. It is typically used during the pushing stage of labor to reduce the risk of tearing and provide comfort.
Hip Squeeze: Applying pressure to the hips can help open up the pelvic area and may be particularly helpful during contractions. This can be done by squeezing the hips together gently.
Shoulder Massage: Tension in the shoulders and neck is common during labor. A gentle massage or counter pressure on the shoulders can help relax the muscles and provide some relief.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of counter pressure can vary from person to person. Communication between the birthing person and their support team is crucial. What works for one person may not work for another, so it's essential to be responsive to the individual's needs and preferences.
Doing a birth class before hand (Sunshine Coast's 'Find your power' Hypnobirthing class is an amazing one with showing all the technics of birth) is very valuable to both you and your partner. Leaving you with a great tooklit for birth.