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The birth of Darcy

Writer's picture: Lily Greenhalgh Lily Greenhalgh


Had a sunset dinner with my partner down at the river due to his last day of holidays being over! spoke

about how I really didn’t want him to go back into work due to covid, because the hospital had to test him when getting admitted and if he has it he can’t be in the room. I was really worried. I remember being truly over pregnancy. Cruisy night and went to bed.


Woke up at about 1:30am with cramping and just a weird instinctual feeling that something was

happening, I heard a pop sound but didn’t think too much of it because I was laying down and didn’t feel

any fluid. I got up to pee and felt the immediate rush of my waters, ran to the shower, put on the light and

softly said ‘babe, my waters just broke’

Rang the hospital to let them know and they wanted me to come in at 8:30am to make sure

my waters had actually broken the following morning and told me to get some sleep until then (as if) was

having weird contractions, kinda still felt like period cramping.

I moved into the spare room because I really wanted Damon to get some rest but around 5ish I heard

him fumbling around by his computer so I went out and he said he couldn’t sleep.

At 8 we left for the hospital. I didn’t get a contraction at the hospital until just before we were leaving. We

did a monitor of bub, he seemed to be content and happy. So off we went home after some hospital

breaky (we left about 11)

Cruised around and waited for contractions all day.

Around 2pm they start ramping up! The shower was a god sent, I put a chair in the shower and sat on

backwards and projected the water straight on my back while Damon sat on my exercise ball and put my

music on (Luke combs was weirdly comforting) while timing my contractions, they were manageable here

with the water and deep breathing. I had lunch in the shower.

I started the tens machine around 4pm and wow did it help take the edge off! It was amazing. I was on

my ball in the upstairs living room with the tens machine on watching Emily in Paris, while Damon was

doing light touch on my back. At this stage is when I noticed the contractions getting intense while laying

down but as soon as I’d get up they wouldn't be so bad. Which was annoying because I was tired.

Damon had cooked dinner and I had a little bit. Thought I would be heading to the hospital soon.

Around 8pm is when I called the hospital to see what they’d say about coming in because of the discomforted I was in. (Tens machine helping but still) I think I was just so tired, believe it or not they told me to have some Panadol. They said they were really busy and if I could wait around at home because it sounded like early labour still. Was disheartened, but tried to get some cat naps in by laying down I think I lasted about 1.5 hours until I had to get up and walk downstairs because I really wanted Damon to get some

rest before the big event.

I got into a bad headspace because of the pain, spoke to my best friend around 11pm and she boosted me back up. I knew I needed to get into the zone now. I put my headphones in and listened to Luke combs (was actually so relaxing) I put a rag in the freezer and put in around my neck and just walked around the

kitchen and living room swaying, breathing deep and really concentrating on letting my body flop during each contraction.


Me thinking I would be giving birth on the 4th, nope! 24 hours later.........

Around 12:30 I went up to Damon because I just wasn’t dealing with the pain and exhaustion and needed to create a bit of oxytocin. I remember being in our bathroom hanging off him crying because I had reached my tipping point being at home. I just wanted to go to the hospital. So I rang the midwife to let her know we were coming back in, I apologised- she said do what you have to do. So off we went, it was a surreal feeling backing out of the garage not knowing if the next time we would drive back in will be with a baby! The contractions didn’t go away on the drive there which I thought they would so that made me feel like I was doing the right thing by heading there. They were intense in the car- coming every 3 minutes now.

We went in the back way due to getting there out of hours, which was the best thing ever! We went

straight up. Got checked in and she started leading us to our room when I had the biggest contraction!

Had to stay at the desk for it before moving.

They checked on me and bub everything seemed good. They explained how it was heading to the 24

hour mark was because a little dangerous for bub and me and they were speaking about inducing maybe

in the next 12 hours if he’s not here and would like to administer some antibiotics due to potentially

having an infection because my waters had broke 24 hours ago.(If I only knew then, what I know now)

They wanted to send me home until I had progressed more. I just didn’t feel comfortable with that, but I

agreed to it anyway.

They asked if I wanted a vaginal examination but because it was over 24 hours of my waters being

broken they explained the risks with it. The vaginal examination would be a better way to actually tell me

how many cms I was dilated but a ‘throd exam’ (what they use in a papsmear) would be to look to see if

they can see the head without having any risks of an infection and that way they could guess to see how

many cms I was. Which I learnt in the birthing course so I went with the throd exam. They told me they

could see the head and I was around 4-5cm dilated. Half way wahoooo!

It was around 3:30am at this stage. Midwife went away for a bit but then came back in and said I was

really dehydrated and they wanted me to get fluids through an IV instead. So they officially admitted me

and started the IV straight away. I was SO tired by this stage, and they offered me a sleeping pill, I took it

instantly thinking that the contractions would die down too, but nope I just became sleepy with the same

intense contractions.

Damon slept a little on the support person bed which was good.

It was around 6ish and they went through the different options, they starting explaining inducing and what

it would entail. I didn’t want that at all and if I had to then I would want an epidural straight away just

because I was soooo tired and over it, I knew my body wouldn’t deal with the synthetic oxytocin because

it would cut off my natural pain blockers. But I felt like it was progressing as it should anyway and bub

was fine. They started the first round of antibiotics.

7am- I just wanted mum, Damon called her and she came up straight away. She got there just before

8am, they asked if they could put the monitor on Darcy’s head because they kept losing it due to the

monitor on my belly and also the fact that my heart rate at this stage was sitting at 130 which was the

same as his so they wanted to make sure it was definitely picking up his heart rate and not just mine.

The monitor went off the WHOLE 12 hours I was in hospital due to bubs and my heart rate being

essentially the same! It was not a very calming birth environment.

I laid down on the mat that was on the floor while mum was holding my back and rubbing it while they inserted the rod on bub.

They were a little worried because it wasn’t normal for my heart rate to be that high. So they did a ECG

on my heart and all seemed normal. (Looking back it was my anxiety over the beeping causing such a high heart rate, go figure)

I was in a good (ish) mindset when mum got there. But still had soooo much pressure when contractions

came. But mum was a good support person as well as Damon, they were both amazing. Getting me ice

chips, putting a cold wash cloth over my face and neck and I had a cloth with my essential oils on it- I

was just breathing them in. Everything was really supporting me when the contractions came. I was over

the exercise ball at this stage on the mat just swaying listening to my playlist, I asked for the heart rate machine to be turned off and it was then a very calming environment. The tens machine was still helping a lot but I had to really intensify the ‘boost mode’ at this stage.

9:30 am to 12pm, I was struggling! Emotionally, mentally and physically. I had so much pressure it was

ridiculous. I kept thinking and saying I can’t do it, I went in the shower and put the cold water on my back,

I remember just holding Damon’s and mums hand while half standing in the shower moaning through

each contraction and with each surge I would breath out and dip down into a swat to get bub in the prime

position for birth. I felt empowered and ready to meet him.

I got out of the shower because I wanted to go over the exercise ball and sway. I started to freak out and

saying I couldn’t do it anymore and was tapping out. Vomited everywhere! The midwife was almost to late

getting the bag. I remember saying in between 'I think I'm in transition'. I totally was looking back at it.

I said I wanted a bath sooo badly. But the midwife had to get 'permission' from the doctors

because of my heart rate. But finally got approved and as soon as I got into the bath -WOW it felt amazing.

Felt uncomfortable during a contraction but amazing afterwards, it took the pressure off. Damon was

feeding me water, ice chips and kept saying I was so close and how strong I am.

I felt the urge the push in the bath with every contraction, I thought this is it!!!!!!!

Then the midwife came over and said she was really worried about me being in the bath (because it was

warm) sending my heart rate up even more, because it had to be at a certain temperature for bub to be

born in. So she suggested I get out and get in the shower again, I felt soooo irritated. I started to get out and had to pause to push, the midwife asked if I was pushing I quickly said ‘yep’

She was a little concerned that I was pushing to early, she needed to make sure I was fully dilated before

I started to push (what the heck) So she checked through a vaginal examination and said I was only at 9cms (she could still feel a little bit of my cervix thinning) which was so disheartening because I essentially had to stop myself from pushing.

12pm- I was incredibly done at this stage, I was so exhausted and asked for the epidural, especially because I couldn’t get back into the bath I didn’t know how long it would take for me to be fully dilated.

I feel like they stuffed around for ages! Finally the anaesthetist came in and told me the risks blah blah blah. I kinda said just get it in my back mate 😂

I was sitting on the bed while he was getting prepped and I KNEW bub was coming. I stopped myself

from pushing, I was scared to let the midwife know because I really wanted the epidural so bad. But then

she said ‘can we check to see if you are fully dilated? because if you are they’d be no point in getting the

epidural’ I instantly thought ‘fuck’ because I knew he was ready to go. And she totally knew as well! I'm so thankful for her that she did check, because she stopped the possible cascade of intervention.

And she wasn’t up there for long when she quickly said YEP he’s coming! Can’t get the epidural.

I had about 5 minutes to have a cry and then get down to business. I was over the bed backwards

pushing and grabbing the bed rail to bare down with all my might during a contraction. I have to say this

was the best stage, I actually felt like I could use the contraction rather than try and manage the pain.

1.5 hours of pushing and asking after every contraction ‘can you see his head’ and ‘how many more

contractions until he’s here do you think?’😂

They started to get a little worried because it was taking a little longer than expected (I still can't believe they put time limits on these things, grr). The doc came in and watched during one push to just see how I was going. I knew I had to do a good push when he was there to prove to him I didn’t need any intervention.

The midwife said afterwards ‘good job’ and gave me a wink, I was relieved knowing I didn't have to found the strength to say 'do not bloody touch me'

I tried standing up and pushing over the bed but my heart rate would go up to high (I think it was

because I was so exhausted and I did feel okay on the bed so I wasn't fussed)

Then finally I went on my back with my legs up on the stirrups and did the finally stage, I really didn't want to birth on my back but at this stage I was exhausted.

The sounds coming out of me were so primal and raw, I was giving it my absolute ALL. Finally the midwife said 'feel his head', so I did and it was the most surreal feeling. I yelled ‘holy shit I’m having a baby’ 😂 Mum, Damon and the midwifes were laughing.

During that final stage I had to push but hold that push during my resting stage of the contraction so his

head would get passed a certain point, that was tough. And I kept having cramps in my legs- But again it

was better than contractions. The ring of fire was about 10 seconds of pain before the head was out, I

remember the midwife saying 'you can rest a bit now to allow the perineum to stretch naturally before the

body comes out' but NOPE I wanted him out and to be done (I'm pretty sure that's why I had a tear- due to not waiting) . Then one big push later he was on my chest. I had never cried so before in my life! Best

feeling in the whole entire world. Instantly all worth it!!! 1:56pm.

Mum started crying (I think she was crying since 11ish) & Damon was so happy.

We had a 3 minute delayed cord clamping (So annoyed, but I only asked for 'delayed cord clamping', you HAVE to specify or you will get the standard) and we had a little trouble getting the placenta out even with the shot that was given (I gave permission before the birth to use the needle, because I was so tired and done, I won't be doing that again) it finally came out and I got stitched up. 2nd degree tear and I could feel the needle with every stitch, was a little uncomfortable. But no one warned me they press on your stomach pushing afterwards as routine! OW. Never again.

I massive gush came out and realised that was my bladder being released because I couldn’t wee while pushing. (This is a reminder to try and release your bladder a lot during labour!)

We had about 1.5 hours of skin to skin. And then daddy had skin to skin and then grandma had a cuddle.

He had his shots (Oral Vitamin k and Hepatitis B vaccine) and he weighed in at 7 pound 9!

We had a placenta tour which was pretty cool, but midwife said it was aged quite dramatically so she thought I was actually further along! Which I always thought during pregnancy, no one believed me.

Mum helped me into the shower and it was so nice. I felt a bit out of it because I had lost 510ml of blood

which put me in a higher range than ‘normal’. Just needed some food and sleep! Then after about 2

hours they transferred us to the room we would then stay in for 2 nights.

Then we got to take our baby home...

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