''Bub will just latch and there will be this instant connection''
*Insert laugh crying emoji* Ahhhhh Lil, you had no idea.
Breastfeeding is the UNDERDOG of the post party (partum) period. Me as a first time mum never thought for a minute, that breastfeeding would be hard. You quite literally think of everything else except that.
I can't even say 'Nobody warned me' because those typical mothers that come up to you and say 'OHHH you think you can't sleep now, wait until blah blah blah' they definitely did. But I choose to ignore it, because ignorance is bliss right?

It's hard.
When you've finally got your baby on your chest after (usually) a long labour and go for the first breastfeed and they don't latch properly, you just go- your kidding right? I just pushed you out and now the one thing you've gotta do is suck and you don't wanna??! *Internal screaming*
''What would you do differently Lily?''
I'm SO glad you asked!!!
Get in touch with a lactation consultant before the baby is born, so you can have her on stand by to come visit if you are struggling. The reason why I say have a chat to them prior (usually a free consultation) is:
1) You can get to know who they are as a professional, their background, and to be honest- who they are as people, because if you are struggling to feed your baby you will be in the most vulnerable state, you really need someone caring, sweet and with a lot of patience.
2) So the lactation consultant knows who you are as a person as well, so when she turns up for the visit she will have a fair amount of knowledge prior to coming.
I only reached out for help after 12 weeks of a ridiculous up and down rollercoaster of a journey, so please get help at the start if you plan to breastfeed.
Pros of Breastfeeding | Cons of Breastfeeding |
Feeding at night is easier than making a bottle | You may get some nipple trauma (or mastitis or blocked ducts) in the beginning due to a bad latch |
It helps build a strong connection with your baby | Feeding the baby is purely your responsibility |
Because breast milk contains protective enxymes that fight infection it may help your bub when sick | You are not feel comfortable breastfeeding in public for awhile |
No bottle cleaning (if you aren't expressing) and no expense for formula | Wearing breast pads and weird shape looking bras |
Feeding your baby in general is hard work but you will find a formula that works for bub or a different position that works for breastfeeding. It will get easier, I promise.
Sending positive vibes for your feeding journey and just remember that you are still learning along with your baby! Be gentle with yourself.
Lil xo